The first ever Big Brothers Big Sisters PSA commercial to Air on television. Filmed in 1994 at WPTD Dayton.

In late 1993, "Little" Mike Cohen (0:19 mark on the left) and his "Big" Harry Schrager began to talk about the need for a televised commercial for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Dayton. Harry was at the time working for WHIO- TV as an engineer and had plenty of acting experience. As a young teen, Mike had just started tackling radio and some copy writing and story-boarding.

By 1994, Harry and Mike had come up with the script and Mike had drawn out the story-boards. The commercial was pitched to the local BBBS board an instantly approved. It was filed on a budget of $200 that was used to rent the cameras and studio for several hours.

Mike was never intended to appear in the commercial. At the last minute, Tim's daughter got camera shy and Mike stepped in. At 16 years old he was the oldest Little in the commercial. The commercial was done with current adults and children in the program at the time. Mike's actual little brother (by birth) appears at the 0:21 mark on the right. At the time he was currently unmatched as his last Big had just moved away for a job.

In August 2017, Mike's former Big, Harry Schrager, passed away suddenly fromt a heart attack at age 74. After more than 32 years of friendship and helping BBBS Mike decided to revive this commercial to showcase on the web. It was recorded via an HD camera from the only surviving VHS studio copy of the tape.

To learn more about this organization find them online at the following:

Please donate to help with your local chapter. The Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Dayton has since been renamed to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Miami Valley. You can see highlights from their last fundraiser here Over the Edge