Kettering Hospital Groundbreaking - Troy, OH 2017

A lot of what we do at Emunah Graphics involves going into the community and supporting those in it. Kettering Health Network held their groundbreaking ceremony on July 6, 2017 in Troy, OH and we were on-hand to witness it. The city of Troy has a diverse population of over 25,770 individuals. Many of these individuals will hopefully become the new staff of the Kettering Hospital being built there. With the creation of the new hospital comes the creation of more jobs for the local area economy and not just within the hospital itself. New businesses will open to take on the needs of patients and their families in the form of lodging, recreation, and food.


Kettering Health Network was founded on faith based ideals and in those ideals seeks the healing of the community around it. This means both spiritually based and physical based healing. Kettering Health Network takes a progressive look forward at the needs of future patients and adapts itself to those needs. Kettering Health Network has invested more than $60 million into the city of Troy with their idea of a new state of the art facility.

About Kettering Health Network (from the KHN website):

"Kettering Health Network is a not-for-profit network of eight hospitals, Kettering College, and over 120 outpatient facilities serving southwest Ohio. Patients have access to high quality maternity care, state-of-the-art cancer fighting technology, Ohio’s leading heart hospital, as well as revolutionary brain and spine surgery. With nearly 12,000 employees and 2,100 physicians, Kettering Health Network is committed to transforming the healthcare experience with world class health services for every stage of life.

Kettering Health Network recently celebrated the 50th anniversary of Kettering Medical Center.

As a faith-based organization we are dedicated to treating all patients with love and respect regardless of religious preference. Multi-denominational Spiritual Services are offered at the network every day."

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